Thursday, September 27, 2018

Hey friends, I’m pretty excited to announce I just published
a new mini-book: Religion-less Christianity and Renewing the Church: On Being a Follower of Jesus in God, for God, without God.  The way forward in renewing a faith that has honesty, integrity, authenticity and relevance is not to take a church style and change it but rather take a way of thinking about God (theology) and re-make it. I use 20th century pastor, teacher, author and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer's thinking on a "religion-less Christianity" applied to today's church to offer the framework for renewing the 21st century church.
I would love to have a conversation with you regarding what I think has some serious legs for us today: Bonhoeffer’s “religion-less Christianity,” such as it is as his thinking and writing specifically on that topic was cut short by his execution at the hands of Nazi Germany just before the liberation in the Spring of 1945.
Anyway where can we talk? If you are in the Orlando area I am happy to have coffee. I’ll buy! Let me know.
Or let’s talk here. If you care to read it (available at in E-book (Kindle) or hard copy) I'd love to have a conversation here with you. Post a note.
Best to all,