Another "S.O.A.P." (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer) from daily bible readings. FYI, for bible readings, I'm using the daily lectionary from the worship book called Evangelical Worship).
"This I Believe"
Sharing the Faith
“It was there at Antioch that the believers were first called Christians.”
Acts 11:26b
It makes sense that we would bear the brand of the one we follow. Christ. It would be interesting if we never got that label or title. What would we be? “the believers”? That would be interesting since it naturally begs the question – what do you believe? Once identified as one of the believers we would naturally, in the course of any regular conversation, be asked what we believe! Many today assume they know what a “Christian” is. In the U.S., outside of church circles, most understand it by what makes the media (no blame here, no media bashing, just the reality). Often because of the label “Christian” things are assumed and conversation is shut down. But what if I was a “believer”? For one thing, I would be, I’m thinking, better trained and prepared to actually know and speak what I believe! What is your 30 second “elevator speech” about what you believe? Here’s mine: “I believe that I do not have to believe or do anything in order to be right with God – not even believe in God – and it is only Jesus Christ who gives me this freedom.” I would say more, but that’s the “elevator version.” It would be cool if everybody in any given congregation/church would write down what they believe (like the popular book This I Believe, which, by the way, I highly recommend!). It would go a long way in growing and sharing the faith!
Lord, Jesus, thank you for setting me free!
Isn't "This I believe" a segment on NPR?